

Please also have a look at the article Sidebar.

The toolbar in schematic view:
ToolBarS e.jpg

The toolbar in PCB view:
ToolBarP e.jpg

The toolbar shows the most important TARGET 3001! commands as pictograms. If you are unsecure about the function of a button, please hover the cursor for a short while upon the button without clicking it. A small flag appears showing its purpose. Please note: The toolbar can only be reached using the mouse. Not each of the button functions can be substituted by a menu command. It is not possible, to configure the toolbar individually.

Kinds of tools:
NormalTool.jpg Standard tool: Short click with the left mouse button (=M1): direct function

DoubleTool.jpg Double-tool with an arrow: The standard function of this button can be reached by clicking on the big field left. More detailed functions are available by clicking on the small arrow on the right side of the button.

LongTool.jpg This tool is made of several different functions for the following mouse clicks:
short click with the left mouse button (=M1): function 1
long click with the left mouse button (=M1H): function 2
The description of the function in the small popup window starts also with 3 dots (function 1/... function 2).

Tool functions:

NewProject.jpg Create a new project. TARGET opens the Sheet.T3001-file and calls it New.T3001. (SheetP.T3001 for a PCB without schematic)
OpenProject.jpg Open an existing project.
SaveProject.jpg Left = Save project / Right = Save project as...
Print.jpg Print the current project view
Cut.jpg Cut and copy highlighted elements to the clipboard. The data will be saved in TARGET-format as well as the Windows-Metafile-Format (WMF). An easy transfer of your schematic- or PCB view without any quality loss to your favourite word processing software (for example: MS-Word) is possible.
Copy.jpg Copy highlighted elements to the clipboard
Paste.jpg Paste elements from the clipboard
Undo.jpg Redo.jpg Undo / Redo last action
GotoPCB.jpg Change to PCB View. Has a signal or component been highlighted in the schematic view, it will be searched, marked and zoomed in the PCB-view (=cross probe).
GotoSchematic.jpg Change to schematic view. Has a signal or component been highlighted in the PCB view, it will be searched, marked and zoomed in the schematic view (=cross probe).
SelectPage.jpg Select any schematic page.

Layers.jpg Adjust PCB-layers

View.jpg View: The following tools appear:

Scale.jpg Define a scaling factor
Grid.jpg Define the grid
Colors.jpg Define the colors
NewSWin.jpg Create an additional schematic window
NewPWin.jpg Create an additional PCB window

DoubleZoom.jpg Left = Enter zoom mode / Right = the following zoom tools appear:
ZoomOut.jpg Zoom out
ZoomIn.jpg Zoom in
Refresh.jpg Refresh the current screen
Pan.jpg Center the clicked point in the working area (Pan)
Scale.jpg Define a scaling factor
Movesheet.jpg Move the whole sheet
WinFit.jpg Scaling of the circuit fit to screen

Search.jpg Search and highlight components

Edit.jpg Editing-mode: The following tools appear:

Measure.jpg Measure distances
Dial.jpg Select and highlight a single element
RubOut.jpg Delete highlighted elements
Move.jpg Move highlighted elements
Rotate.jpg Rotate highlighted elements (with M1)/ ... Define rotation angle (with M1H)
MirrorV.jpg Mirror highlighted elements horizontally (on the vertical axis)
MirrorH.jpg Mirror highlighted elements vertically (on the vertical axis)
E Btn.jpg Edit (change) the highlighted elements
V Btn.jpg Select and rename a signal name

InsertComponent.jpg Left = Insert a component symbol to the schematic/Right = The following tools appear:

Rest.jpg Inserts the remainders (symbols) of a component to the schematic
Ref.jpg Insert reference-symbols to the schematic
ConcatSymbol.jpg Concatenate symbols
ExportSymbol.jpg Export the selected symbols as one component to the library
Db.jpg Starts the Component database

InsertPackage.jpg Left = Insert a package-symbol to the PCB/Right = The following tools appear:

ExportPackage.jpg Export selected elements as a package to a package-library
Db.jpg Starts the Component database

DrawSignal.jpg Left = Draw signals (schematic)/Right = The following tools appear:

SigDirect.jpg Draw a signal directly
SigHor.jpg Draw a signal (first in horizontal direction)
SigVer.jpg Draw a signal (first in vertical direction)
SigOrtho.jpg Draw a signal (first in orthogonal direction)
SigDia.jpg Draw a signal (first in diagonal direction)
SchemRouter.jpg Draw a signal being aided by the Schematic router.

Opt1.jpg.Opt2.jpg.Opt3.jpg.Opt4.jpg Four individually programmable buttons for fixing a default for the drawing of signals. A click on the signal with M1: Call saved signal options. A click on M1H: saves current options to this button
Options.jpg Edit further signal options
Node.jpg Place a junction
Bus.jpg Place a bus

DrawTrack.jpg Left = Draw track (PCB)/Right = The following tools appear:
SigDirect.jpg Draw a track directly
SigHor.jpg Draw a track (first in horizontal direction)
SigVer.jpg Draw a track (first in vertical direction)
SigOrtho.jpg Draw a track (first in orthogonal direction)
SigDia.jpg Draw a track (first in diagonal direction)
Opt1.jpg.Opt2.jpg.Opt3.jpg.Opt4.jpg Four individually programmable buttons with defaults for the ddrawing of tracks. A click on the track with M1: Call saved track options. A click on M1H: save current options to the button

Options.jpg Edit further track options
Via.jpg Place a via
Bridge.jpg Place a bridge
TearDrop.jpg Change solder pad into teardrop
Spiral.jpg Draw a spiral, edit spiral track options
DrawAirWire.jpg Draw an air-wire (ratsnest), only for PCB´s without a schematic

Pen.jpg TARGET drawing palette = The following tools appear:

Line.jpg.TriangleOpen.jpg.RectangleOpen.jpg.CircleOpen.jpg.Arc.jpg Draw a [[Line|line], triangle, rectangle, circle and torus

TriangleFilled.jpg.RectangleFilled.jpg.CircleFilled.jpg.PolyFilled.jpg Draw a filled triangle, rectangle, slice and polygon.

PlacePin.jpg.Node.jpg.Bus.jpg Only in schematic-mode: Place a pin, a junction and a bus

PlacePad.jpg.Via.jpg.Bridge.jpg Only in PCB-mode: Place solder pads, vias and bridges

DrawAirWire.jpg Only in PCB-mode without schematic: Place ratsnest

Text.jpg Enter text
Fiducial3.jpg.Fiducial2.jpg.Fiducial1.jpg Place orientation marks (fiducials)

GateAnd.jpg.GateOr.jpg.GateNot.jpg.GateTrigger.jpg.GateBuf.jpg Logic gates according to DIN/IEEE: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, Schmitt-trigger and buffer

IEEE1.jpg.IEEE2.jpg.IEEE3.jpg.IEEE4.jpg.IEEE5.jpg.IEEE6.jpg. Symbols: block-description-fields to create components according to DIN/IEEE

Ext1.jpg.Ext2.jpg.Ext3.jpg.Ext4.jpg.Ext5.jpg.Ext6.jpg. External description-fields to create components according to DIN/IEEE

Int1.jpg.Int2.jpg.Int3.jpg.Int4.jpg.Int5.jpg Internal description-fields to create components according to DIN/IEEE

Symbol1.jpg.Symbol2.jpg.Symbol3.jpg.Symbol4.jpg.Symbol5.jpg.Symbol6.jpg. Other drawing elements

MagicWand.jpg Automatic functions:

Measure.jpg Measure distances:
PinSwap.jpg Pad swap|Pin swap (only in schematic-mode)
PadSwap.jpg Solder pad swap (only in PCB-mode)
GateSwap.jpg Gate swap (symbol swap, only in schematic-mode)
AutoPlacer.jpg Starts the autoplacer (only in PCB-mode)
AutoRouter.jpg Starts the autorouter (only in PCB-mode)
ComputeAirWires.jpg Opens a dialog to recalculate the ratsnest (only in PCB-mode)
AutoGroundPlanes.jpg Starts the groundplane assistant (only in PCB-mode)
Check.jpg Check project (schematic and PCB) against parameters you can define and shows resulting violations
Simulation.jpg Starts the mixed- mode simulation of the schematic
EMC.jpg Starts the EMC-Analysis of the PCB
ReOrganisation.jpg Reorganizes the whole project (optimizes the internal database)

Page2.jpg.Page3.jpg.Page4.jpg The three last used schematic pages are shown in this tool. After a selection of a tool button with M1, the schematic page will be opened.

Layer2.jpg The currently used layer is displayed here. A click with M1 on this tool button allows you to select any other layer to be the current working layer. For example: It is possible to select the copper-layer in the "Place track" mode.

Layer16.jpg.Layer99.jpg.Layer99.jpg The last used three PCB-layers are shown in this tool. After a selection of the tool button with M1, the layer will be activated as the current working layer. For example: It is possible to select the copper-layer in the "Place track" mode.

AnzVerbrPins.jpg Pins used in the current project. Displayed in the status bar (bottom of screen).

Stop.jpg Cancels current action and resets to "Pointer Mode" (= ESC, M12).

Allvariants.jpg Shows which variant of assembly you are currently in.

3d button.jpg Opens the 3D view of the current PCB Layout.

Gerberbutton.jpg Opens the dialog for the creation of Gerber data.

Fragezeichen.jpg Click on the question mark opens the following info dialog (e.g.):

E FragezeichenDLG.jpg

On your screen to the right please find the sidebar:

After clicking one of the following tools, a selected (highlighted by M1) signal in pointer- mode will...

SelectSegment.png ... highlight only the selected signal-segment
SelectBranch.png ... highlight only the selected signal-branch
SelectIsland.png ... highlight only the combined signal-island
SelectSignal.png ... highlight the complete signal

After a selection of the following tools, a move-function with [g] or with [Ctrl] + M1H in pointer-mode, a line caught in its center will...
DragSplit.png ... be sharp bended
DragArc.png ... bended by an arc of a circle
DragSpline.png ... bended by a bezier-curve
SelByHandle.png If this tool is activated, a selected handle of a component always highlights the whole symbol or package
SelByElem.png If this tool is activated, each selected element of a figure highlights the whole symbol or package
SelModule.png If this tool is activated, all elements of a module get highlighted
ToolBar.png Until V13: This button makes the additional pointer-toolbar be shown permanently.