
TARGET 3001!

"Electronica CAD Software"

Target packshot.png
TARGET 3001! is a CAD-/CAE-software for PCB design made in Germany by IBF.
It consists of schematic, simulation, layout, autorouter, 3D view and front panel design within one user interface. There are price calculators including ordering function for PCB and frontpanels.

UNIQUE: Assembly Service.
Calculate and order your assembled board from out the program!

Editions and prices V17

The external autorouter ELECTRA supplementary is embedded to every edition in a 250 pin-capable version. The complete project data are gathered in one single file. No conversion struggles and no version conflicts between schematic and layout. TARGET 3001! provides manufacturing data for production processes of all industry standards.

You always get the complete system with the complete range of functions active. Free access to the component database. Free Updates within your main release number.

Video: A diode and a resistor between two connectors.

High end features
Data sheet
Editions and prices
System requirements
Crash Course Building a switch-delay by monoflop
Crash Course 2 Quicker! It's just one LED between two pole connectors
The latest modifications

Why should you use it?

* Protel, Eagle, OrCAD, Gerber, Excellon, Calay and PostScript are registered trademarks. All rights reserved to the owners.

TARGET 3001! embeds ideas and recommendations from customers to extend the performance and user friendliness. TARGET 3001! has been established since 1989 in one ownership:
Ingenieurbuero Friedrich, Eichenzell, Germany