

Eagle is a registered trademark of Autodesk.

Being familiar with a different layout CAD system does not ease the entry into TARGET 3001!. Often it is easier to learn a software without the experiences with other software packages. The following articles may help you entering TARGET 3001! while coming from Eagle. You can convert your Eagle-files to TARGET 3001! and convert them from TARGET 3001! to Eagle. Also your private Eagle libraries can be converted to TARGET 3001!. Also a summary explains the Eagle text commands and how you would do it in TARGET 3001!

Easy entry to TARGET 3001! coming from Eagle

The easy way of opening an Eagle project in TARGET 3001!
Eagle commands and how to do it in TARGET 3001 (or as a PDF)
Outdated: Convert Eagle projects and libraries to TARGET 3001!
Outdated: Convert TARGET 3001! projects to Eagle (TARGET 3001! libraries can not be converted to Eagle up to now.)

Advantages of TARGET 3001! over Eagle

Use the advantages of both systems!

Our aim is to give you the chance to use both systems as efficiently as possible and to keep the hurdles between both systems low. That's the reason why you can open an Eagle File in TARGET 3001! and convert a TARGET file the way that you can open it in Eagle.