
Overview on component drawing

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Create a new component (best practise)

The drawing of custom components

Draw your own package and symbol in the Schematic view. Two general steps are needed:

FIRST: Start drawing the package(= land pattern of the soldering pads including outline of the device)!

SECOND: Draw the symbol (= showing the electrical function in the schematic)!

Double click each pin to add its function (e.g. Power) and name (e.g. GND).

Leave the grid 0.635 mm = 25 mil = 1/40 inch. Use the required functions from the Drawing tool Pen.jpg. After having finished select all, hover the cursor to the desired handle cross position and merge it by the use of keybord key [y] to a sYmbol. Remark: A component as a whole can be made of several symbols e.g. gates. That's why we need the [y] procedure first. Now select the symbol(s) by a Capture Window and eXport it by pressing keyboard key [x] to the database. VIDEO on symbol drawing

Adjustment of existing parts

For packages:

Edit components by the use of the symbol and package assistant

The package and symbol assistant is meant for packages and symbols having a higher number of pins/pads.

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