
Swap number

With the aim of easy routing of the Circuit single pins as well as complete gates within a Component can be swapped. Pins/Gates of a component which are not identical to another can not be swapped so they have the swap number 0. In case there are more than one identical pins/gates each of them get the swap number 1 and they can be swapped against each other. If there are several groups of similar pins/gates, each group must get a swap number, being equal in each group and different from Zero: 1, 2, 3... .

The swap number of a pin you will find in dialog "Change pins" (M11 on a pin). See also: Pin swap / Pad swap.


The swap number of a gate (symbol) you will find in dialog "Change symbols" (M11 on the Handle cross). See also:Symbol / Gate swap.

Tauschnummer Symbol.jpg

"Gate" in this sense mean the gates of a digital IC, e.g. in a multiple Op-Amp or the resistors in a resistor network with several identical resistors. Always if a component contains identical thus swappable symbols.