


We talk about an update if an edition is brought into the recent stage. A customer maybe would have an early version V16 light. His complete version number is After a bugfix we would release a new version with number Now all V15 customers can update for free independently from their edition (light, smart, medium, economy, professional, design station) because bugfixes always cause a new release which refers to all editions of the current version.

Versions update

A new release, a new version, is generated and uploaded immediately after a bug is found and fixed. This can be a matter of one day. If a user of V15 is online and opens TARGET 3001!, he will be informed that a new release is available. He now can decide whether he will activate the automatic update or not. It is possible to ask for the latest update "by hand". See Menu Help:

KostenlosesUpdate e.png

If a customer has e.g. V13 light and wants to have V14 light, he must purchase it. Updates are free always within the same main version number. Currently it is V16, which we released in December 2012. It's development period lasts for 1.5 to 2 years.

Prices for updates and upgrades please see here: The Target 3001! shop or here.

Component database update

This is for users of V15 and after: Update the component database

Library update

This is for users of V14 and before.

If you are a V14 user, you have all libraries containing all components locally installed on your PC. During the development time of V14, that means as long as V14 is the current main version, component adjustments or new components can be downloaded free of charge from the component server (press function key [F2] and select from the library browser:)

Update dialog e.png

An earlier V12 or V13 installation provided 5 libraries locally:

The library Standard.sym3001 were maintained with special attention. The question, "What is most wanted?" we answered by a survey we made in cooperation with PCB manufacturers. We analyzed 8.000 different kinds of projects regarding the question: "Which components are used?" We made a ranking and selected ranks 1 to 1.000 to bring them into the "Standard" library.

For V12 and V13 users further 34K+ components we offer on our component server. That means if you do not find a certain component in the "Standard" library, please find it online on our server. If you have found it, download it for free. The V14 component libraries are not backward compatible and match only with TARGET 3001! version V 14 onward.

In V13 the STANDARD.sym3001! and STANDARD.pck3001 can be compared and updated from our server. Select from the menu entries "Start online Update".

E CompUpdate 2.jpg

After you have made an update or any download from the TARGET 3001! library server, you should "Read the local components newly", see the same menu. This is for bringing the internal structure of the libraries index files into the correct order (a library index file cares for the immediate display of the component pictogramms in the lib browser without having the component loaded to the canvas).

Versions of V12 and early versions of V13 offer the update utility in the Library Browser within the tabs of the inner sections:

E CompUpdate.jpg


In case your update does not work, please start TARGET 3001! with admin rights (right mouseclick on the TARGET icon) then do the update. Now a updater.exe will be placed besides the tarv15.exe. Once it is there, you don't need to start under admin rihgts any more.

Recover an earlier TARGET.exe

Please have a look within the directory your TARGET 3001! is installed. See those earlier tarv14.old_exe files (blue). Rename your current tarv14.exe eg tarv14.exe_ and then rename one of the old ones tarv14.exe. That's all.

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