
Componiverse® est un bourse de composants. Il s'agit d'un magasin externe. Un nuage de composants. Un cosmos de composants sur internet.
En général, toutes les composants d'origine du TARGET 3001! base de données de composants sont disponibles dans le Componiverse. Plus que tous les utilisateurs de TARGET peut donner leur composants dessiné individuellement au Componiverse. Donc ils sont à la disposition de tous les autres utilisateurs et le stock de pièces croît chaque jour. Chaque composant peut être évalué. Cela permet d'évaluer sa facilité d'utilisation et son classement augmente. Pièces jamais été utilisés ont le rang le plus bas et peuvent se disposée à une certaine date.
If you search a part in TARGET it is searched at the same time in the Componiverse. Maybe it isn't available in the TARGET data base but a friend out there already has drawn it and donated it to the Componiverse. Now you can find and inspect this Componiverse part. Now decide whether it matches your requirements. If yes you can overtake it and use it directly in TARGET 3001!. In turn you might have drawn a part yourself which was not available in the TARGET 3001! componenet database. Now if you like load it up to the Componiverse so that others might take benefit from your artwork. You donate it to the TARGET 3001! Component Community.
If a part is not available in the Componiverse or it doesn't match your requirements, you easily can compose it. Composing means that you just put together the elements being already available on the web like name of the manufacturer, part number, description, parameters, distributors' ordering numbers, package proposal, pinout from the datasheet for the symbol and so on.
If you have finished your composition, you can save and lock it to your local data base. Why not letting it fly within the TARGET community by donating it to the Componiverse? It would be found and used by others and the benefit of your part would be multiplied.