
STEP 3D Import

Import 3D models

Step ImportExport
Step ImportExport

Import 3D models from your mechanical CAD System or anywhere from the web:

  • to your TARGET 3001! project
  • to your component data base
  • to the COMPONIVERSE COMPONI - what?
  • for your STEP-Export

Load a manufacturer's STEP file to TARGET 3001!
Load a manufacturer's STEP file to TARGET 3001!

Import 3D-CAD data in *.stp format to TARGET 3001! e. g. a WAGO terminal block

How to proceed?

  • save the *.stp 3D model of the desired part from the manufacturers website to a directory of your choice.
  • add the 3D model to your package

For example...

Image: In the TARGET 3001! data base you may recognize that a certain component has no 3D model (e.g. manufacturer WAGO).
So we have a look at the WAGO website.

Image: WAGO offer a 3D model of this terminal block in STEP format, please download it (*.stp).

STEP AP203 is monochrome. In most 3D CAD systems the view is in shades of gray. STEP AP214 is polychrome.
The color can be adapted later. Save the file to a directory, unzip it if needed.

Image: In the TARGET 3001! component browser click (M2) on the image, where you would expect the 3D image. Now you need to create a user copy of the part.
You don't want to create an extruded model of its outline (because you want to have the STEP model). So deny this request.

Image: In the 3D editor press the STEP button (bottom left).

Image: The dialog "Load and manipulate STEP data" opens. Press button: Load STEP file.

Image: Select the desired STEP file in order to open it in TARGET 3001!.
The STEP model comes in to the 3D editor and eventually needs being brought to position. So you need to align it.
In case the colour appears to you too weak in contrast you might change it in this dialog.

Image: In order to align the part you may flip it around X-, Y- or Z-axis and do the fine adjustment by the sliders. They represent X-, Y- and Z-axis (top to bottom)

Image: The OK button overtakes the model to the TARGET part in the way you have aligned it.

Image: The part in question used in the TARGET 3001! layout and visualized in the 3D view.

Reduce the complexity of a STEP model


3D-STEP models can have very complex data structures if they show many rounded surfaces. Due to an algorithm to reduce the complexity, TARGET can now work with such models.

Upload your part to COMPONIVERSE

Image: In order to help other users, upload the part to the COMPONIVERSE if you like.

I have got a question at this point...

Can I directly insert a STEP file without a component?

Question: "For example, can I simply import a housing in which the PCB is to be built in? Or do I always have to go the long way round and create a component in which the STEP file is stored? In short: Can I directly insert files with .stp?"

Answer: Create an empty package in the database that only consists of a handle cross. Then import it onto your board layout and assign any STEP file to this local package. That's it. You can also place this package several times in different places and assign a different STEP each time.

Error 1153

After importing a complex STEP model, the following message appears:

Error 1153:
Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes.

Probably you are using a MySQL database and have not set the "max_allowed_packet" value. Please have a look here: