
Drive a circuit with signal sources

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Voltage, control signals and data signals for the PCB (module) normally are supplied externally. The output signals are also used by external devices, which are connected with the PCB, but are not naturally part of the PCB (e.g. load resistance). These external parts can also be included via virtual components. A component in TARGET 3001! is virtual, only if the properties of the component do not contain the property PROPOSED_PACKAGE (or if the value field is empty).

The components in the branch "simulation" (see component selection tree of the library browser/import symbol dialog) are virtual! All other components are real, i.e. the property PROPOSED_PACKAGE must be deleted (cut), thus it will be converted to a virtual/external component. The property PROPOSED_PACKAGE is not really relevant for the simulation, but other functions in TARGET3001 (ERC, Autoplacer, Autorouter, ...) will be affected.

See also example SIM_CRASHCOURSE.T3001

Overview virtual sources (primitives):

These sources are idealized, i.e. the available power is infinite and so on! In contrast to a battery, which is modeled as a series connection of a const voltage source and a (internal) resistor, where the power is limited (short-circuit current as parameter).


Look at this branch in the component treeview: Simulation\Analog\Sources\Independent\Voltage or Current
Single-Frequency FM
PWL (Piece Wise Linear): Hereby any piece-wise linear curve can be defined. The curve can be graphically designed with the PWL editor, which is part of the PWL dialog.

Look at this branch in the component treeview: Simulation\Analog\Sources\Controlled\Linear or Nonlinear
Linear voltage controlled
Linear current controlled
Nonlinear controlled (An arbitrary function as input)

Digital source:

Look at this branch in the component treeview: Simulation\Digital\Stimulus
Stimulus: A stimulus produces purely digital signals (i.e. LOW, HIGH...), thus no voltages or currents. However the simulator inserts automatically DA transducers, as soon as the exit is loaded with an analog primitive (see also Analog, digital or mixed mode).

Further sources are available at the branch Simulation\Analog\Sources\Miscellaneous
Voltage, control signals and data signals for the PCB (module) are supplied externally. The output signals are also used by external devices, which are connected with the PCB, but are not naturally part of the PCB (e.g. load resistance). These external parts can also be included via virtual components. A component in TARGET3001 is virtual, only if the properties of the component do not contain the property PROPOSED_PACKAGE (or if the value field is empty).

The components in the branch simulation (see component selection tree of the library browser/import symbol dialog) are virtual! All other components are not virtual, i.e. the property PROPOSED_PACKAGE must be deleted (cut), thus it will be converted to an virtual/external component. The property PROPOSED_PACKAGE is not really relevant for the simulation, but other functions in TARGET3001 (ERC, Autoplacer, Autorouter, ...) will be affected.