The following conventions are valid for the spelling in the documentation:
[x] Expressions in rectangular brackets are keyboard strokes: [Pos1] or [Home] mean: type the [Pos1] key or the [Home] key (depending on your use of an English or a different keyboard). Shift keys are to be pressed prior to the character key or function key.
The following shift key buttons are available: [Shift], [Alt], [Ctrl].
[Alt]+[p] means: press and hold the [Alt] key and type the [p] key at the same time.
[Shift]+[INSERT] means: press and hold the [Shift] key and type the [INSERT] key. Here you find a list of functions that can be selected using such key combinations.
Mx - Expressions starting with a M are mouseclicks. TARGET 3001! recognizes 3 mouse buttons: left (1), middle (3) and right (2). The following combinations of mouse clicks are possible:
M1 = click and release the left mouse button immediately. |
You can adjust the sensitivity and the double-click speed of the mouse (for M11 and M22) as well as settings for left-handed use in the Windows control panel. What you can do using the mouse is written in topic Mousekeys
Orientation information in TARGET 3001! is given in degree (°). This refers to the right pointing axis of the coordinate system. The counting is done in a positive mathematical way (counter clockwise; positive X-axis = 0°, positive Y-axis = 90° etc.).