
Online Component Search

Bold text denotes sample queries; input is case insensitive

  • The basic search:
    - Searching only in package-names, component-names and descriptions!
    - The words are combined with an AND-operator!
    - A prefixed minus sign denotes "NOT" operation; e.g. LED -ROT finds all LEDs, but not the red one.
    - If you are searching for exact phrases then enclose the phrase with double quotes; e.g. "relative humidity" sensor.

  • The special search (only a specific field is under examination):
    - Ordernumber: ordernumber:[123456]
    - Component name: component:BC140
    - Reference symbol name: ref:GND
    - Package name: package:SOT20
    - Libraries: library:standard,simulation
    - Distributors: distributor:conrad,schuricht
    - last inserted (new) components/packages: last_inserted:100
    - last updated (revised) components/packages: last_updated:30

  • Limiting the list of search results:

  • A concrete example:
    component:BD transistor power package:SOT93 distributor:Conrad searching: all components that have BD as name constituent AND description containing transitor AND description containing power AND using a SOT93 package AND obtainable from Conrad. The option "component X using package Y" runs only if component: and package: are part of the query! False: BD14 package:SOT, cause TARGET3001! will be searching all SOT packages with BD14 contained in description.

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