
Insert a scale

This article is part of a TARGET 3001! Crash Course Frontpanel.

After clicking the icon Opening the scale tool the following dialog opens:

The dialog to generate a scale
The dialog to generate a scale

Image 1: Edit a scale in line-shape

If a circular scale is desired, please opt for it by the radiobutton. Now you get this dialog:

The dialog to generate a scale
The dialog to generate a scale

Image 2: Edit a scale in radial-shape

Special: Using the printing technique it is possible to create scales in full color (exept white). Imprinted font can be colored too. Colored print is possible only on anodized or raw aluminium. On colored aluminium the contrast is not sufficient.

A radial scale has been placed
A radial scale has been placed

Image 3: A radial scale with a centered drillhole e. g. for the shaft of a potentiometer.

Once you have placed a scale in the layout, you can edit each of its elements by double click: lines dotted, dashed; corners rounded...

Any drawing element of a scale can be edited
Any drawing element of a scale can be edited

Image 4: Making a division line of the scale dotted.

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