

New function since version

When importing symbols for schematic use or packages for layout use you might change the font type and -size from the default (the way they are saved in the library they are taken from). In case you have your own ideas concerning component lettering, you can determine for all future components with which font their lettering comes in. Texts with the components already in use stay untouched.

Using "exotic" font type please remember that your lettering/text might be displayed differently on your customer's PC or at least at the PC of your PCB manufacturing house in case the required font type is missing on their system. Using Font type "TARGET", "DIN-ISO-ANSI" "Helvetica /Arial" und "Times / Times New Roman" you normally are on the safe side. An important note: Windows True-Type fonts are supported by GERBER e. g. in copper, but not in inverted display (for example white on black when used in a deletion layer).

Please use the button [Fonts...] in the "Import component symbol" dialog:

Symbol font (schematic)
Symbol font (schematic)

The green ticks in front each of the font functions need to be set because otherwise the library-saved font will be used (with the components of the "Standard- library it is the TARGET-font). The font chosen will be the one for all further components coming from the libraries whithin this project. If you wish to undo the customised font please release the tick in this dialog. When autoplacing the assigned package, customised font can be set accordingly:

Package font (layout)
Package font (layout)

The same in "Layout without schematic". Within the package import dialog please use the Font... - button to determine the font kind for all further components:

Package font (layout without schematic)
Package font (layout without schematic)
