
Export component symbol

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The "Export Component" function, key [x], is used when creating a new component symbol to export a component with its schematic symbols to the component data base. First draw the symbol of the component on a free area in the schematic. If your symbol consists of several gates so that you might have some sub-symbols for each of the gates, use the "Compose Symbol" procedure to merge all sub-symbols by the use of key [y]. Select now all drawn parts (if applicable all the sub-symbols) of the component at the same time (drag a catch window with M1H) and call the "Export Component" function from the menu. Now you should give a new component name. Also, you must select a designator prefix for the component (for example: T for transistors or IC for Integrated circuits, C for capacitors...) in the center of the dialog box. Also, you have to enter a package name (for example: DIL14). This package name will later be proposed when this package is selected for the component. At this point, you can only select a package which already exists. This means that the package must be contained in the library. This makes clear that the package should be drawn first if you want to draw a new component. If you have selected <without package>, no package later is proposed for insertion to the PCB. For example: the component DINA4HOR (a blank drawing sheet) will never need a package.

If the component name already exits in the library, TARGET 3001! will ask if you want to overwrite it.