
Simulation Assistant

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Iconok.jpg Everything is okay! System informations and help for next steps.

Iconhint.jpg There are hints! (advices)

Iconwarning.jpg There are warnings! Please read the guidance so that you can decide whether to ignore the warning, or a current error or not.

Iconerror.jpg There are errors! The simulation refuses to start. Exception: Error messages (results) of the simulator kernel.

In this chapter all the hints, warnings and errors, that could be caused by the simulation are listed. They are described and an appropriate solution (error correction) is suggested (i.e. problem, explanation and solution). These information will be linked automatically by the assistant. The hints, warnings and errors are arranged in classes. In the sections "Please work on" the current errors are listed (indicating positions and/or the components, dialogs etc. which have need for modification). The errors with automatic correction option are marked by the string [auto]. The assistant is always in the foreground, so you can work on TARGET 3001! while reading the guidance.


With SimAssDown.jpg and SimAssUp.jpg you can jump to the next class or go back to the previous one.

The errors, warnings and hints at a glance

Help: Where do I have to click to start the simulation
Error: Internal error!
Error: The simulator kernel (sim.exe) could not be run
Hint: There is still no circuit
Error: The simulator(kernel) has given warnings/errors
Error: Ground (signal "0") of the simulator used
Warning: Some components do not have a model
Warning: The circuit does not have ground (signal name = "GND")
Warning: Parts of the circuit have no connection to the ground (singular matrix)
Error: Some components(models) refer to missing global model cards or subcircuits
Warning: Some models are erroneous
Warning: No ac source exists (or all amplitudes are zero)
Error: An (active) analysis (TRANSIENT, DC or AC) in commands is necessary!
Hint: No (active) probe in the commands. All standard voltages and currents are stored!
Warning: Model selection (level) is not possible or ambiguous for some components
Warning: Timesteps in the transient analysis are too high (in respect to the period of some sources)
Warning: Some parameter values have the suffix "M"!
Error: (SPICE)Syntax errors in global modelcards, subcircuits, components ...
Error: Some SPICE objects are erroneous. (SPICE write error)
Error: Some components are necessary, but not / no longer available
Warning: Some components (models) are not completely imported (power symbols etc.)
Hint: There are no sources in the schematic. Reference symbols deliver no voltage!
Error: Some parameters are yet not defined (or bad format)
Error: Some signal names or component names are not allowed in SPICE (format errors)
Hint: Some signal names or component names could cause problems for external simulators.
Info: Some components automatically loaded with default models
Warning: Some components automatically loaded with default models. Please check!
Warning: Some components automatically only loaded with IO-models!
Hint: Some components could not be automatically loaded with a default model. Please check!