
Graph calculator

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The graph calculator is able to calculate and to generate new graphs. The computed voltages and currents can be mixed with different mathematical operators. The view of the graphs is also adjustable with this tool.

USER: Simulate a project (e.g. SIM_AD817.T3001)!
USER: Open the graph calculator (oscilloscope menu View/Graph calculator).

Adjust view of the graphs (All graphs are listed, also those generated by the post processor):

USER: Select a graph (with left mouse button).
USER: Switch on/off visibility (visible, if the graph in the list is checkmarked).
USER: Adjust color, linetype and line thickness.
TARGET: The oscilloscope will be updated immediately.

The graphs generated by the post processor can be edited (button "Edit") or deleted (button "Delete"). The graph calculator contains an editor for analogue graphs and one for digital graphs. The analogue/digital editor becomes automatically visible, if analogue/digital graphs are present within the simulator!

Add a new analogue graph

USER: Click button new (analog).
TARGET: The editor for analogue graphs will be shown.
USER: Select V(in) from the graph box.
TARGET: "V(in)" will appear in the formula window.
USER: Click the operator/button "+".
TARGET: The formula window will change to "V(in)+".
USER: Select V(out) from the graph box.
TARGET: The formula window will change to "V(in)+V(out)".
USER: Click the button Ok.
TARGET: The new graph will be shown in the oscilloscope.

Perform a calculation:

Example: Calculate the r.m.s. value.
USER: Click button new (analog).
TARGET: The editor for analogue graphs will be shown.
USER: Click the operator/button RMS.
TARGET: "EFF(|)" will appear in the formula window.
USER: Select V(out) from the graph box.
TARGET: The formula window will change to "EFF(V(out))".
USER: Click button "=".
INFO: The values at the end of the simulation time are taken for all non integral operators!
TARGET: The result of the calculation will appear numerically (11.406) in the result window. No new graph will be added!
