
File extensions T3001 & T3000

You cannot open the desired project file using this edition...

The TARGET 3001! project files have these extensions:

*.T3001 This applies to the edition "discover" and all purchased editions licensed to a user's name. All manufacturing data can be created.

*.T3000 This applies to the PCB-POOL edition and it's derivates for Conrad-Electronic. No Gerber and other production data can be generated with this edition. You are welcome to order your board at the PCB manufacturer PCB-POOL®.

Files having these different extensions can not be interchanged between editions. There is no automatic converter. But for new customers (that means if you purchase a licensed version of TARGET 3001!) we convert up to 5 files for free. For more than 5 files to convert we'd be happy to give you a quote.

Please get in touch with us on this issue:

Tel.: +49 (0) 6659 919444

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