
Drawing models with the subcircuit generator

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If a circuit should become a model in form of a subcircuit Models in (P)SPICE and TARGET 3001!:

Example: Potentiometer with total resistance and wiper position in percent as parameters (SIM_SUBCKT1.T3001).

USER: Compose circuit in a schematic (Compose the circuit)
INFO: The circuit can be composed of real and virtual components.
INFO: Naturally only components may be used, which possess a model.
INFO: The signal names (Edit the circuit) and component names should get meaningful names, so that the generated subcircuit gets a readable form.

RESTRICTION: The subcircuit must be drawn on page 1 only!

A subcircuit does not need to be simulated for its generation, but a subcircuit should be tested. The test circuit shall be designed only on the remaining pages (2-100). The connections between subcircuit and test circuit can be realized by reference symbols. Thus TARGET 3001! works like an integrated development environment (i.e. editor and test) for subcircuits.

See section "Edit component values" in chapter{ Edit the circuit}. Math. expressions with and without variables can be also used as "numerical values". An math. expression must be set within curved parentheses. A variable must be introduced to the subcircuit as parameters (see below).

USER: Enter {RG * P / 100} as component value for R2.
USER: Enter {RG * ( 100 - P ) / 100} as component value for R1.
INFO: The resistances of the potentiometer are defined as a function of wiper position P in percent and total resistance RG.

Subcircuit generator:
USER: Press the function key F9 in the schematic view (Also with the menu actions or the icon bar).
TARGET: The main dialog for the simulation will be opened.
USER: Call the subcircuit generator with the tools menu.
TARGET: Subcircuit dialog will appear and the pure spice circuit will be generated from the schematic.
USER: Enter name for the new subcircuit: POTI
USER: Click in the nodes window with the right mouse button and select add in the popup menu.
TARGET: All signals from the first page of the schematic, which are connected to a reference symbol, will be listed in a box.
USER: Select node: IN
INFO: Selected nodes will be removed from the box.
USER: Repeat selection for all further nodes: OUT, GND
USER: Click in the parameters window with the right mouse button and select add in the popup menu.
USER: Enter parameter name: P
USER: Enter its default value: 50
USER: Repeat input for all further parameters: RG with default value=1K
USER: Enter info: Potentiometer with total resistance and wiper position in percent
INFO: Some information (date, project name, project level) will be inserted automatically by the subcircuit generator.
USER: Enter level: ANALOG

The complete subcircuit can be viewed as text, by clicking on "Edit/Show as text":

DATE: 11.06.03 10:57:14
Potentiometer with total resistance and wiper position in percent
RR1 out in {RG*(100-P)/100}
RR2 GND out {RG*P/100}

Different versions of a subcircuit with its own level settings (Simulation on different levels) can be generated. These settings will be documented in the comment line PROJECTLEVEL of the subcircuit.
USER: Quit subcircuit dialog with the OK button.
TARGET: The generated subcircuit will be stored in its own target project (*.T3001)!
TARGET: The inputs that have been made in the subcircuit dialog will be stored graphically in the first page of the schematic.
INFO: The line "PROJECTTYPE: SUBCKT" marks the project as a subcircuit project (important for simulation/test).

Simulation (Test):
USER: Simulate the circuit

Using the created subcircuit:
USER: Import extern models
But in contrast: Select "TARGET project" in the menu "Reload from...". The model browser will show the generated subcircuits at the top of the list with the info SUBCKTGENERATOR!