
Copy protection

No dongle, no codes, no activation, no node locking!

For the use of TARGET 3001! for Windows ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/Win7 no hardware copy protection device (dongle) is necessary. This is based on our update policy and has a positive effect on the price. However, your name is registered in the program. Any manipulations on the TARVx.exe file may damage your system. Each program can be individually identified, thus a tracking of the origin of each illegal copy is possible. In case of violations against these agreements the buyer will be held responsible to pay a compensation of five times the purchasing price to Ing.-Buero FRIEDRICH.

Install it on more than one PC: YES.
Use it with more than one person the same time: NO. (Exception: Multi user license)

Normally you purchase a single user license. That means you are allowed to use TARGET 3001! once at the same time. You may install TARGET 3001! on as many PCs as you like. If you'd like to install the software on the desktop PC in your office, on your laptop as well as on your home PC, that is OK as long as you are the only user. It is necessary that the time setting on your PC is correct (see start dialog). Also you need to close your TARGET 3001! completely after work. The "sleep mode" of your laptop counts as "time in use", if TARGET 3001! is not closed before. TARGET 3001! is able to detect and monitor license violations. You will receive warning messages to stop the abuse. If you ignore the messages, TARGET 3001! will shut down completely after a while. You can only heal this situation by purchasing a further license. With all these actions no data is transferred to us underhand. Also see Online.

Purchasing multi user licenses is easy: See menu "Help/TARGET 3001! upgrade calculator..."

Or just call us within the fixed telephone network:

++49 (0) 6659 919 444
(you will talk to a person instantly)

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