
Ultra Librarian

Download parts from Ultra Librarian and instantly have them on your cursor tip

Use Ultra Librarian parts in TARGET

Ultra Librarian (UL) is a portal for downloading CAD data of electronic components. This mainly involves the schematic symbol, the soldering foot pattern and a 3D model. These data can be easily integrated into the TARGET 3001! component database in order to use them in your designs. The following images illustrate the individual steps:

Ultra Librarian
Image: The UL opening dialog. Components can be searched by the name, e.g. ATMEGA168PV-10AU, a microcontroller by Atmel/Microchip.

Ultra Librarian
Image: UL list of results. First of all, we are interested in the models, which means the CAD data.

Ultra Librarian
Image: Available models can be seen in the preview which UL offers.

Ultra Librarian
Image: UL offers all three characteristic forms for this component. The views can be varied, see buttons below the images. A click on the Download button opens a dialog to select the CAD tool. In our case it is TARGET 3001!

Ultra Librarian
Image: Tick the box at TARGET 3001! for schematic symbol and footprint pattern. Ticking the box to load the step model (3D view) from V20 is not neccessary any more. As soon as a 3D model is offered at UL, TARGET loads it automatically.

Ultra Librarian
Image: If TARGET is open, the TARGET tab in your taskbar flashes immediately.

Ultra Librarian
Image: Your open TARGET now recognizes that something has come in. Click on the illuminated TAB to fade in TARGET.

Ultra Librarian
Image: You immediately have the corresponding component symbol fixed to the cursor tip to place it. At the same time it has already been saved in the TARGET component database.

Ultra Librarian
Image: If you'd like to adapt the shape of the imported symbol, please try the following special function: ["Order the pins accorting to a processor scheme"] in schematic menu Components/Special Functions...

Ultra Librarian
Image: Now the symbol look a bit more TARGETish. Important: If the pins don't bring along a "Function", it will be set to: Power concerning the alimentation pins to the North and the South. The pins to the East get function Input/Output (I/O). The pins to the West need to be set separately each by double click.

How to handle the downloaded zip file manually

For versions V19 and older.

UL delivers the data in CXF and STEP format. Save the zip file in any directory.

Ultra Librarian
Image: The zip file contains the items shown...

Ultra Librarian
Image: ...and saves them to a directory of your choice.

Ultra Librarian
Image: Now open the component database in TARGET 3001! and import the data first as CXF.

Ultra Librarian
Image: Circuit diagram and solder foot pattern are transmitted by the CXF format.

Ultra Librarian
Image: That is how it performs in TARGET 3001!

Ultra Librarian
Image: To import the step model for the 3D view, click with the right mouse button on the coordinate system and select the "Edit 3D" option.

Ultra Librarian
Image: An extruded polygon of the outline shall not be created, because we want to import a nice 3D model. So we choose "No" here.

Ultra Librarian
Image: The landing pattern shows a mark in the southeast. Pad number 1 is therefore expected on the south horizontal row, at the left outer position. Now press the button to import a step file.

Ultra Librarian
Image: In the dialog that opens, you will be asked to load the corresponding file. It may be necessary to align the model, because the object does not always fit in perfectly.

Ultra Librarian
Image: So you can rotate or move the 3D image along the coordinate axes until the image no longer shows any offset.

Ultra Librarian
Image: After OK, close all dialogs including the database. Your part is now in the database and can be used for designs in TARGET.