
High frequncy features (HF / RF)

Radial Stubs

Radial Stubs (only in edition design station) are to be found in PCB view in menu "Packages":

"Generate a radial stub"
Image: Generate a radial stub

An online-calculator for a reasonable dimensioning of a radial stub can be found here:

A radial stub
Image: A radial stub in TARGET

HF-microstrip mitered bend

HF-microstrip mitered bends (only in edition design station) are to be found with a right click on a touch pad of a track being imposed orthogonally to it's neighbour track.
"Generate a HF-microstrip mitered bend"

Image: Generate a HF-microstrip mitered bend.

Definition of a HF-mitered bend at 70%

File:HF Kompensationsecke70 Prozent e.jpg
Conception of the percentage entry in TARGET 3001!

Einen Rechner zur Dimensionierung von HF-Kompensationsecken findet man hier: