One question...
There is a new interactive FAQ system in TARGET 3001! It can be found pressing the button "One question...", which appears in each dialog next to the Help button. Users can ask questions and the corresponding answers can be read by all TARGET users. But have a look: Maybe your question is answered yet.
Image: One question: Ask a question on a certain issue. Example: Button "One question..." in the dialog Edit the selected elements.
The button leads to the area where questions related to the dialog topics are discussed:
Image: The button "One question..." in the dialog Edit the selected elements opens the FAQ area concerning the subject of the dialog.
Answers already given are listed in the upper area of the dialog (blue). Klicking the question delivers the answer. You can ask individual questions which will be displayed here as soon as they are answered. First denote the subject in the header line, then enter your question in the text-area. Images can be uploaded as well to illustrate the issue. Your personal data (name and eMail address) Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden nicht veröffentlicht sondern dienen dur der beidseitigen Komminikation mit dem TARGET 3001! - Team.
Bild: Die Antwort zu der im oberen Bereich (blau) aufgelisteten Frage (Auszug).