


The TARGET 3001! team in detail
Harald Friedrich, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.(TU)
Am Schwarzen Rain 1
36124 Eichenzell
Tel.: +49 (0) 6659/919444
Fax: +49 (0) 6659/919445

Bank account details:
Genossenschaftsbank Fulda
Bahnhofstrasse 1, D-36037 Fulda, Germany
IBAN: DE13530601800002004135

VAT identification code: DE - 11 23 42 909
Registered trademark: TARGET 3001!

Disclaimer of Liability

Exclusion of warranty

This homepage, the software "TARGET 3001!", all documentation as well as the component libraries have been constructed carefully. However, we accept no liability or warranty that the software TARGET 3001!, the information or the manual or the components are without errors or that they can be used for special purposes. All legal responsibility or liability in case of a consequential damage is impossible. We appreciate, however, any feedback from our customers on the contents of the manual and the TARGET 3001! program.

No return, no exchange

Please note that we produce the software TARGET 3001! licensed (=specified) to your name, so the product is worthless for other people (c.f. the German Distance Selling Act). In consequence it is impossible to return the product. Your purchase is expressly excluded from return or exchange.

No liability for the contents of external links

Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are exclusively responsible for the content of linked pages. We dissociate ourselves from any illegal content. If illegal material is offered however on linked pages, please give us a note so we can remove the link immediately.
