
Technical Information September 25th 2007

Calculation error in PCB Pool® calculator

Dear users of TARGET 3001! versions V13.3.0.06 and earlier,

the PCB-Pool product "Prototype XL" not only needs to have an order quantity of at least 5 pieces but the order additionally needs overall measurements of at least 5 square decimeters, for example a witdh of 50 cm and a height of 10 cm or other combinations. In the current version V13.3.0.16 this error is corrected already. Please update free of charge by the use of the TARGET 3001! menu Help/Free Update...:

Menu Help/Free Update...

We apologize profusely in case you've had any inconveniences.

Yours sincerely,

the TARGET 3001! - Team

Harald Friedrich
Fuldaer Straße 20
D-36124 Eichenzell, Germany
Tel.: ++49 - 66 59 / 919 444
Fax: ++49 - 66 59 / 919 445