TARGET 3001! can import (insert) data stored in the clipboard (after using the Copy or Cut function) at any area in the circuit
- by clicking the
"Paste" command, which is found on the toolbar
- by going to the menu bar and selecting Menu Edit then "Paste"
- by keycombinations [Shift]+[Ins] or [Ctrl]+[v].
Only data which have been taken to the clipboard (copied or cut) by TARGET 3001! can be imported again. Note that it is not possible to transfer data from a schematic drawing to a PCB layout and vice versa.
A simple rule is necessary when assigning signal names: If the signal was completely selected before using the cut or copy functions, then the signal will be used as a local or internal signal, after which a new signal name is assigned to the imported signal (for example: Sig$164). Otherwise, if the signal was not completely selected, then it be handled as a global or external signal, and therefore, the signal names remain unchanged (for example: GND).