
Merge the circuit into one package

See layout Menu Package / "Merge the circuit into one package"

The whole circuit will be transferred into one package, similar to a module. The advantage is that signals can already be placed inside the component. Only the amount of external pins of the module and their signals must be defined. All signals not assigned remain internally.

This function was intended for the "TARGET 3001! ASIC designer" only. So it was redrawn from the TARGET 3001! PCB versions with V13. From V13.5 the feature was restored due to several customers wishes.

Special: Two pads carrying the same signal within one package

How to construct a connection within a component package, which has only one pin in the schematic, but two pads in the layout? e.g. a clamp which is soldered on two pads but referring to only one logical pin in the schematic. In the package both pads are short-circuited...

In general, there are two situations which need fixing two pads in the layout to only one pin in the schematic:

1) The pads carry the same signal but both need to be connected. This can be needed, if GND needs to be connected several times to a processor but in schematic view only one connection shall be showed.

2) The pads in a package are short-circuited that way that the connection can carry power so that it can be used as a bridge.

Ref. 1): You can exactly overlap several connections in the schematic when creating a symbol. If you later connect a green signal line to it, all pins are touched simultaneously. For not getting all pin numbers displayed, please set the second and all further pin numbers invisible.

Ref. 2): For versions TARGET 3001! V10 and younger it is allowed to assign the same number to several pads when creating a package in the layout view. TARGET 3001! that way recognizes, that those pads are connected and assigns, when importing them, the same signal to them.

The drawing of such a package is not a problem. Nevertheless the layout of TARGET 3001! draws an air wire for two (clamp-internal) connected pads which are recognized as normal connection and processed by the router promptly as track. In fact one would prefer saving this space for other tracks. The "Zero-Ohm-Resistor" -problem is similar. In TARGET the component is constructed having an internal bridge. We are not very happy with this state...