
Interactive component catalog

You are an electronics part manufacturer or distributor?

Would like to see your product line in an interactive online 3D catalog
Embed it to the component data base of TARGET 3001! PCB Layout CAD software

Any user would be able to search WAGO parts in TARGET 3001! by name or parameters.

A WAGO icon could appear in the component gallery. One WAGO icon in the gallery would represent all WAGO parts. A click on it loads all of them to the list for selection. Or better to have a complete WAGO gallery showing all your product lines. Each represented by a dedicated icon the way it is shown above.

WAGO can design and maintain the wago.db completely on their own, furnishing each part at any time individually with all information thinkable:

  • data sheet link
  • ordering number
  • price
  • packing information,
  • minimum sales quantities,
  • etc.

This all happens inside the TARGET 3001! software. WAGO can be entitled to offer the software in a special edition as a free download from their website and so would have a visual catalog of WAGO parts already embedded in the component data base of a design tool. This would be a perfect way of bringing WAGO parts directly to the screens of electronics developers. TARGET 3001! can offer the parts in EAGLE format as well!

Now lets go outside TARGET 3001! to the part exchange on the web "COMPONIVERSE".

Every TARGET 3001! user can upload his self drawn parts here and download parts which others have drawn. So the WAGO people could upload all WAGO parts here. A brand new part uploaded in COMPONIVERSE while a TARGET 3001! user searches for it locally in TARGET 3001! he would get a notice that it was found in COMPONIVERSE to download it. It is because TARGET searches locally as well as in COMPONIVERSE and any match is announced in TARGET 3001!.

Look at this montage. It is not yet implemented that way but it easily could come true since the COMPONIVERSE appearance is already working on the web. Wouldn't it be great to introduce your parts that way?


For further information please contact:

Markus Friedrich

Tel.: +49(0) 6659 919 455