
Installation on mobile drives

e.g on a USB memory device

  • create a directory on the USB-stick (e.g.: "TARGET_3001!")
  • copy the contents of the already installed TARGET-edition (e.g. C:\Programs\ibf\TarVx\professional\) to the new created TARGET-directory on the USB stick (the "x" in TarVx stands for your version number).
  • copy the contents of the already existing AppDataPath (e.g.: C:\Dokuments and Settings\<user name>\application data\ibf\TarVx\professional\) to the same directory of USB stick
  • adapt the first line of the file "FIND_INI.ini" in the TARGET-directory on the USB stick to "$EXEPATH$\TARGET.INI". Further explanations can be found in this file as well.
  • In the file "target.ini", from the TARGET-directory of the USB stick the following adaptions need to be made in section "[Directory]":

Now you can use TARGET 3001! from the USB stick. Start TarVx.exe from the directory on the USB storage device.