
Front panel questions

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Locating and moving objects

Can I place a design element at an absolute location?'
Hover the cursor to the handle cross of an element. Press keyboard key [s] for "select". The handle cross flashes. Now press keyboard key [e] for "edit". A dialog opens where you can enter coordinates. Pressing OK shifts the handle cross (including the whole figure) there.

I'm trying to do a design where the panel controls are all mounted in specific places on a PCB. Shift-D seems to let me specify an offset, but I can't find a similar control for an absolute co-ordinate.

  • Some objects allow you to specify an absolute position in their edit dialog. Select the object. Press e to edit. If the edit the selected elements dialog appears, choose Packages and click okay. You should then be able to specify a position in the Change package window.
  • Or, to place an object in a specific location: First create the object, then move the object to 0,0. This is easy if you have the grid turned on. Now use Shift-D to specific the absolute co-ordinates.

Can I place the corner of a design element, rather than the centre, in a specific location?
Hover the mouse to the corner. Press keyboard key [d] for "displace". Now press keyboard key [+] for manual displacement. Ener the coordinates. Press OK.

Can I import a DXF file containing the locations of the controls, from my design, so I can align the panel elements to them?
Yes, import DXF by menu "File / Input-Output Formats / File transfer-Documentation / Import DXF..." Import data to a layer different to the one you have for your milling elements. Later you can delete the elements on this layer.

How do I right align, left align or centre align text? When I select a text item to move it I get a handle at the point I clicked, which may be anywhere in the text?
Yes, that's correct. No Text alignment tool until now. In the text dialog you can use a multiline function.

I don't seem to be able to select some items at the same time to move them together? For example a breakout and a scale. Is that just because they are on different layers? Select-All works, but shift-clicking only works some of the time!
Please use the [Ctrl] key instead or drag a highlighting square around both. If there is an unwanted element inbetween you might unselect this by the [Ctrl] key as well.

Can I toggle between absolute and relative origin?
Yes, please have a look here:Origin

Is it possible to snap on a significant point of a element close to the cursor?
Yes, please have a look here:Snap_Point

Printing and manufacturing

Why can't I print in white? Is this a software limitation or a process limitation at panel-pool?'
This is a process limitation. It's because the digital print technique is similar to printing on paper with an inkjet printer. It is assumed, that white is the paper. So all what shall appear white is simply omitted. For this reason no Inkjet printer has the color white in its tanks. In consequence all what you have white on your image will appear aluminium (or whatever material you print on) later.

How can I insert Bolts from behind in order to fix the PCB to the frontpanel?
Please have a look here; Bolts


The layers used for the front panel:

  • Front panel documentation [ which contains instructions for the production plant ]
  • Front panel contours [ which contains the outline of the panel, drilling and milling data ]
  • Front panel lettering [ which contains everything that's going to be printed ]
  • Front panel engraving [ which contains the engraving data ]

More documentation

Is the crash course the main bit of documentation?
Yes, in matters of handling it is the only tutorial available.