
FAQ: Input-/Output drivers, data transfer

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Spacing violation though optically enough space

If I take a look at the Gerber data of my project using a Gerber viewer, there are spacing calamities which I don't have in my TARGET 3001! - project.
My Target 3001! project looks this way and gives me an uncritical impression:

Image 1

Inspecting the Gerber data using GC Prevue (a Gerber viewer) I'm having a different image (rot die kritischen Stellen):

Bild 2

Wo liegt der Fehler?

Der Grund liegt darin, dass Sie TARGET 3001! die Abmessungen Ihres Bildschirms nicht korrekt mitgeteilt haben. Dies führt zu einer verzerrten Darstellung Ihres Bildes, so dass in Ihrem Beispiel (Bild 1) die Pads zu klein dargestellt werden. Bitte stellen Sie in Menü Einstellungen/Einstellungen-Optionen im Dialog "TARGET Einstellungen und Optionen" die nutzbare Bildschirmfläche auf die Breite und Höhe in mm ein, die Sie mit dem Lineal oder einem Zollstock abgemessen haben. In Wirklichkeit sieht Ihr Bild in TARGET 3001! genauso aus wie das der Gerberviewer, also mit den gleichen Problemen:

Bild 3

Bitte folgen Sie immer den Hinweisen der "Projekt prüfen" Funktion im Menü "Aktionen" um die einzelnen Abstandsverletzungen in Ihrem Layout zu beheben, selbst wenn Sie sich optisch

How to make schematics with netlists?

A netlist is a systematical listing of all connections between contacts of a schematic. For the creation of a schematic by the help of a netlist first all component symbols have to be imported to the schematic by the use of the bill of material (BOM). The names of the contacts have to be identical to the ones of the netlist. Then you read in the netlist you have. You can open the read netlist dialog in Menu File...

TARGET 3001! can read in netlists in several formats:

The PIC.Net netlist in Calay format of the TARGET 3001! example project PIC.T3001 opened by a text editor looks like this:

After the import you will get a schematic full of "airwires" between the connections. Now it's up to you disentangling the signals for getting a nice view of the schematic...

Gerber resolution?

I am using the version V12 package, and wonder which (Gerber) output format it generates. Is it possible to choose high resolution 2.3 Inch (=1 mil) or 2.4 (=0.1 mil) ?

The TARGET 3001! XGerber (RS-274-x) resolution is already 0,000000254 m = 0,000254 mm = 0,00001 inch = 0,01 mil equal to format X.5, leading zeros omitted. The header of our XGerber files %FSLAX35Y35*% exactly expresses this high resolution and so it can be read at correct scale with every Gerber tool.

I edited an aperture list. Which meaning have the abbv´s FK, FQ, etc..?

  • FK (Fahr-Kreis): circular traction apertures for traces, triangles, circles (Draw)
  • FQ (Fahr-Quadrat): square traction aperture for rectangles (Square)
  • BE (Blitz-Ellipse): ellipt./round flash apertures for soldering pads (evtl. Round or Oblong)
  • BA (Blitz-Achteck): octagonal flash apertures for soldering pads (Octagon or evtl. Oblong)
  • BR (Blitz-Rechteck): rectangular flash apertures for soldering pads (Oblong)
  • BO (Blitz-Oval): oval flash apertures for soldering pads (Oblong)
  • BB (Blitz-Bohr): symbol meaning a drillhole

After generation of the Gerber-Files an WHL-File emerges. Which meaning has this file?

This WHL-File is the aperture list in EAGLE-format. Transmit this file to your PCB manufacturer too.