
FAQ: Autorouter and Autoplacer

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How do I autoroute a one-sided circuit board with the autorouter?

Set e.g. "copper bottom" visible and all other copper levels ("copper inside" and "copper top") "other" and "invisible", in layers in the menu "View". Only "invisibly" not is sufficient.

The autorouter uses vias which are too big . How can I set the size of these vias?

In PCB view, select in key [.]. A via symbol will be fixed to the cursor. Now press the key [o] (for options). In the dialog you can fix the desired parameters (width x height, drillhole diameter, etc.). Then press OK and [ ESC ]. and start the autorouter again.

How do I autoroute a one-sided circuit board with the autorouter?

If you want to have the tracks on layer 2, copper bottom, choose function "copper bottom" at layer 2 and set it visible (tick the colored box in the layer tool). Set the functions of the other copper layers (10: copper inside and 13: copper inside and 16: copper top) to "other" and "invisible" (untick the colored box). Only switching them "invisibly" not is sufficient. Now your project has only one copper layer, it is layer 2: copper bottom. That is the one where routing later will be possible.

How do I create a 4times multilayer circuit board?

Change the function "other" of levels 10 and 13 to "copper inside". The autorouter routes now on all copper layers, also supply signals, e.g. GND and VCC.

What do I have to consider with the autorouter, if I want to disentangle a 4times multilayer circuit board and the internal copper positions shall serve supply for " GND " and " VCC "?

  • For a 4times multilayer circuit board the copper layers 2, 10, 13 and 16 are important.
  • route first all signals with the autorouter, which are not power signals.
  • Set the following copper layer functions:
    • Layer 2: "copper bottom"
    • Layer 10: "other"
    • Layer 13: "other"
    • Layer 16: "copper top"
  • Mark all signals except "GND" and "VCC" in the dialog "Autorouter", and start the autorouter afterwards.
  • Now set for routing of the 1. supply layer (e.g. "GND" on 1st internal copper position)
    • Layer 2: "other",
    • Layer 10: "copper inside",
    • Layer 13: "other"
    • and the layer 16 "other".
  • Mark the signal "GND " in the list, in order to route it. Start the autorouter.
  • Set afterwards
    • Layer 2: "other",
    • Layer 10: "other",
    • Layer 13: "copper inside"
    • and layer 16: "other".
    • Highlight the signal "VCC" in the list, in order to route it. Restart the autorouter.
  • Afterwards activate all copper layers.

Can I generate mass surfaces now on the internal supply situations?

You can provide the individual supply situations with ground, e.g. with the ground plane assistant. Select the appropriate signal, and set the aura to 0 mm, so that it is connected directly with the ground plane. Note: All plated vias, which connect the lower and the upper copper layer, must have an aura of e.g. 0.3 mm, otherwise a short circuit with the ground planes will occur. Therefore use plated-through holes with an adjustment of the aura of more than 0 mm. On 4times multilayer circuit board with ground planes, set the mounting holes (plated-through holes with width and height measurements smaller than the drillhole) with an aura as well. Also check the mounting holes of plug connectors or transistors.