
Componiverse: Conditions d'utilisation

Terms and conditions of use regarding the TARGET 3001! component community COMPONIVERSE®

Ing.-Büro FRIEDRICH, (IBF), Harald Friedrich, Fuldaer Straße 20, 36124 Eichenzell, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 (0) 6659 / 91 94-44, Fax: +49 (0) 6659 / 91 94-45,,
VAT ID DE112342909, Tax 01881900337, hereafter referred to as "the owner"

Ing.-Büro FRIEDRICH offer on their website community network in order to exchange, publish and discuss/rate CAD data of electronic components. It keeps opportunity to upload and download data (CAD - components), which were created by the users of this network themselves under the use of the PCB Layout CAD software TARGET 3001!®. The following rules apply for all users of this network especially in relation to its owner, which is IBF.

Commercial usability of the downloaded components from "COMPONIVERSE®" is allowed if you have a commercially usable version (from edition "smart") of TARGET 3001! The upload of component data by component manufacturers, component distributors and other commercially active participants is expressly desired. The systematic extraction of content from Componiverse for other commercial purposes is generally prohibited; special agreements are the subject of negotiations with the owner.

The use of this community portals is allowed only if the user agrees to the following terms and conditions of use. The owner may change these terms and conditions after a 4 weeks period of announcement. Such announcement happens only by internet under

§ 1 Enregistration, participation, membership

Precondition for the use of COMPONIVERSE® is a registration, by which a user becomes a member. A member musn't hand out his access data to third persons or give them knowledge about it.

§ 2 End of membership

The user may finish his membership by declaration towards the owner instantly (without time-limit). By demand of the member the owner will lock the access of the member. The owner is entitled to resign the membership of a member not before two weeks till end of month. At the end of a membership the owner is entitled to lock the access of the person. Upon good cause shown the owner is entitled to resign the membership instantly and to lock the user's access instantly. In case a membership ends, the owner is entitled but not obligated, to delete the contents uploaded by the person. A user does not have the right to claim those contents he himself had uploaded.

§ 3 Services of the owner

The owner allows any member to upload and publish on those CAD-data of electrocic devices which he himself had been drawing. This keeps the right of other users to download them and to use them in a layout. There is no claim of any member to have this service permanently. The owner does not take any responsability for correctness, completelyness, reliability, up-to-dateness and usability of the contents offered. The services of are free of charge and may be used by any person after registration and login. The owner is not obliged to any service. The owner ist entitled to modify his service at any time or to end it instantly without giving notice. In case of an ending of the whole service the owner is entitled but not obliged to delete the contents of the members.

§ 4 Obligations of the owner

The owner obliges himself to keep personal data of users confidential. The processing of personal data will be handled according to the rules of the German Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), the General Data Protection Regulation and the German Telemediengesetz (TMG). A use of personal data happens only if needed in tespect to the purpose of COMPONIVERSE®.

§ 5 Transfer of the rights in using the contents

The upload of a user's contribution to COMPONIVERSE® entitles the owner to keep this contribution lastingly on the COMPONIVERSE® website to use it in all its aspects and to make it accessible to the public, especially to make the contents downloadable for every member. The owner is entitled to move contributions and to link them to other contents. By an upload of content to the COMPONIVERSE® the member allows the owner in an unlimited way to change, copy, distribute, allocate and publish this content. This permission covers the right to distribute the contents or their adaptions, respectively cuttingsworldwide i.e. to give the public access to it.

§ 6 Obligations of the users

The user obliges himself to publish only those components on COMPONIVERSE® which he himself has created or those to which he has an unlimited copyright. The user assures to the owner to be the holder of all rights on the material uploaded. Furthermore does the user declare not to have given out any rights to third parties which would be suitable to obstruct the transfer of rights (according to § 6) or to make it impossible.

Der user commits himself not to publish any material,

  • violating the rules of copyright, trademark law or competition law
  • contrary to "ordre public" or morality or applicable law
  • being statutory offence or administrative offence
  • violating the German "Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz",
  • with insulting, racistic, discriminating or pornographic content
  • containing advertisements

Der user commits himself (except of component upload and download) not to start any commercial activity or any sales activities by this community website or advertise or recomment for it. The owner has the right to delete such content. The user is committed to make up for the damage which is occurred by such content. The user has no claim that the owner should delete or correct such content.

§ 7 Component information without warranty

we assume that components brought to the COMPONIVERSE® have been been built up with great effort. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that all components were created correctly. First because mistakes might have been made, on the other side there are no real standards. A TO220 for example is not always the same! Several manufacturers have packages with that name, without mentioning differences. And we're afraid it is the same with all other component properties too. Vendors substitute components with similar ones, without giving notice. Hence check all information from our component data base, compare all with the original manufacturer's data sheets, order samples of the components in advance. Do not trust in simulation models. Build up prototype boards and test those sufficiently. Please immediately report every error that you find in our component data base and send an eMail to us! All legal responsibility or liability in case of a consequential damage is impossible.

§ 8 User claims for damages

User claims for damages are excluded, as far as there isn't declared anything different herafter. This liability exclusion shall be used against the legal representative and auxiliary person of the owner as well, as far as the user claims against them.

§ 9 Violation

The user bears the sole responsibility for all content posted by him and/or activities related to the use of the Services. He must not use the services abusive. He must not contribute - deliberately, intentionally or negligently - to the illegal transmission or distribution of messages, data and content. Should the user's content violate legal prohibitions/bids, in particular rights of third parties, or violate these Terms and Conditions so he is liable against the owner for the compensation of any arising damage.

§ 10 Indemnification

The user indemnifies the owner against all claims of third parties arising as a direct and or indirect result of violations in respect to the use of COMPONIVERSE®. This applies for damage by unauthorized use of the credentials (user name and password).

§ 11 Warranty

A certain availability of the services is not guaranteed. The owner is not liable for damages on the users technical facilities (computer etc.) incurred by the user through the use of the services offered.

§ 12 Final provisions

The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply on the contractual relationship between the owner and the user.

If any provision of these terms and conditions should be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.