
« Samacsys » : différence entre les versions

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Version du 26 août 2016 à 09:46

Think Google, but just electronic component descriptions, ECAD models and data sheets are displayed.

Drag and drop your desired part to your TARGET 3001! design. It is that easy.

Once a component is dropped to the project, its CAD data instantly are taken to the TARGET 3001! component data base so you have it for further projects too.
All you need is the Samacsys software LibraryLoader. It is free.

Download and install LibraryLoader

Samacsys website
Image: Find "LibraryLoader" on the Samacsys Website in menu "Products"

Download LibraryLoader
Bild: Download LibraryLoader from the Samacsys website

Register and launch LibraryLoader

Registration is quickly done, no delicate data are required. Launch LibraryLoader by M11 on the desktop icon. IMPORTANT: In line "Downloads Folder" define the same folder as the one you have for downloads on your Web browser. From the list in "Your ECAD Tool" choose TARGET 3001!.

Opening dialog of LibraryLoader
Image:Opening dialog of LibraryLoader

Click in LibraryLoader "Search for Parts"

Following the link "Search for Parts" leads to the Samacsys website. Now use the search line. For example we look for a timer NE555D.

Samacsys website

Now open your schematic in TARGET 3001!. Have both the LibraryLoader and the TARGET 3001! window open on screen.

Find the desired part in the Samacsys list of results and click M1 upon the green button in front of the line. If your browser asks for saving it, please do so. Press [OK].

Samacsys Suchergebnisse

The symbol is fixed to your cursor so that you can drop it to your schematic.

Drag and drop
Image: Maybe your browser asks for saving. Do so to get the data into your clipboard.

The package now is available in your TARGET package list, ready for import my mouseclick or drag and drop from the sidebar. That's all.