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Créez un projet nouveau "PCB double face avec schéma". Une page vide de schéma s'ouvre. Agrandez un peu avec la moulette de la souris et cliquez sur l'icône "Insérer un composant" dans la barre d'outils. Le gestionnaire de composants s'ouvre et permet de rechercher le nom de la diode " un N quarante un quarante huit" par exemple.
<table align="left" width="780" border="0" cellspacing ="20" cellpadding="5">
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" style="width:300px; float:right; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; background-color:#F9F9F9; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em;"
    <td>[[Image:neues_Projekt_doppelseitig_e.jpg|200px|Dialog: Create new project double sided]]</td>
<td>Start a new project "Double sided with schematic" and zoom into the schematic a bit with the mouse wheel.<br>Click the "Import component (Ins)..." icon in the toolbar.[[Image:Einfg_e.jpg|left]]</td>
Plus en detail?<br><br>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Schematic]]<br>[[Drawing frame]]<br>[[Page]]<br>[[Single sided layout]]<br>[[Multilayer]]<br>
    <td>[[Image:1n4148_e.jpg|200px|The TARGET 3001! component browser at diode 1N4148]]</td>
<td>The component browser opens and allows to search for the name of the diode -say- '''1N4148'''. Enter its name to the quick search. The device will be listed in green and displays its drawing elements. Using button '''Import component''' will get the symbol to the schematic. The land pattern of the device including its 3D image is recognised as package proposal for the layout use. You may deviate from this proposal later in order to use a different package.</td>
Le composant sera indiqué en vert et montre ses éléments de dessin. Importez le symbole dans le schéma avec un clic de la souris, si vous voulez, plusieurs fois. Relâchez le curseur à l'aide de la touche [Échap] ou poussez les deux boutons de la souris en même temps.
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Mousekeys]]<br>[[Reference Symbol]]<br><br></td>
Avec un clic sur une icône dans le panneau au bord, les connecteurs p.ex., la base de données de composant s'ouvre et affiche les composants assignées en avance individuellement. Nous choisissons un connecteur à deux broches qui apparaît immédiatement comme un fantôme à la pointeur de la souris et peut être placé souvent au choix.
    <td>[[Image:phantom_e.jpg|200px|Component symbol and its phantom (before placement)]]</td>
En cliquant sur le symbole de résistance ou le symbole de condensateur dans le panneau au bord, la recherche paramétrique s'ouvre immédiatement, comme l'accent est mis ici plutôt sur les paramètres techniques que sur les noms. Pour une résistance de "4,7 kilo-ohms" nous entrons les caractères 4k7. En même temps sélectionnez un boîtier 0207 dans la liste déroulante et placez la résistance dans le schéma.
    <td>Import the  symbol to the schematic and drop it by mouseclick as often as wanted. Release it from the cursor with [Escape] or press both mouse keys at the same time.</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Component_database#Component_seach|How do I find a certain component?]]<br>
Afin de connecter les broches nous choisissons le mode de flexion au lieu de routeur du schéma: "Transposer deux segments, d'aboard horizontal“. En utilisant la barre d'espace le mode de flexion peut être basculé. Un "Carré magnetique" aide à frapper la connexion correctement. La taille de ces carrés dépend de la grille qui peut être réglé en utilisant l'icône "Vue" dans la barre d'outils.
[[Component_database#The_parametric_search|The parametric search]]<br><br></td>
Par défaut TARGET marque le dessin entier d'un composant. Si vous ne voulez pas déplacer le symbole entier, mais seulement une partie de celui-ci p.ex. le nom,  ouvrez le menu contextuel avec la touche droite de la souris et décrochez l'entrée en question. Maintenant, chaque élément de dessin peut être déplacé ou édité séparément.  
    <td>[[Image:connectors_e_.jpg|200px|Connectors in the component browser when clicking the sidebar-symbol]]</td>
Un symbole de masse peut être glissé et déposé dans le panneau au bord et le connecté au signal. Le nom "GND" est proposé en même temps. Nous pouvons le accepter ou choississer un autre désignation.
<td>By clicking an icon in the sidebar, such as connectors, [[image:connectors.jpg|left]] the component database opens showing individually preassigned components. We choose a two-pin connector which immediately is fixed to the cursor tip. It can be dropped as often as wanted. Every single element of a symbol drawing (Outline, Text, connection pin) can individually be displaced, turned, edited. For doing so in the context menu ('''[[M2]]''') the option "Always select entire component" '''must not be ticked'''. Otherwise you won't get a single element of a drawing marked.</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Select|s for select]]<br>[[Edit|e for edit]]<br><br></td>
Nous passons au PCB. TARGET 3001! nous demande de déterminer un contour de la PCB. Pour notre petit projet cincuante millimètres de largeur et trente millimètres de hauteur sont assez. L'utilisation d'un assistant de placement automatique est proposé par TARGET que nous acceptons. Par défaut, il importe les boîtiers dans le mise en page PCB et les place au-dessus du plan. Maintenant, glissez et déposez-les à la position désirée. Un clic sur le bouton droit de la souris avant le placement permet de les tourner.
Poussez la touche [F8] pour activer le réticule dans le mode "Tracer une piste". Basculez le mode de flexion pour les pistes avec la barre d'éspace.
    <td>[[Image:param_suche_e.jpg|200px|Parametric Search]]</td>
<td>[[Image:wid.jpg|left]]Clicking a resistor or capacitor symbol opens the parametric search, because we focus here on technical parameters rather than names. We'd like a resistance of "4.7kilo-ohms" so we enter 4k7. We select a package 0207 from the list and place the resistor to the circuit.</td>
Pendant le placement des pistes un via peut être placé avec la touche du clavier "point". Il bascule sur le côté vis-à-vis du PCB et le signal peut être placé là aussi. En appuyant encore une fois sur la touche "point", une autre via est placée et vous arrivez à la couche de départ. Un double clic sur un élément de dessin permet son réglage individuel.
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Turn / rotate|Rotate a component by degrees]]<br><br></td>
Dans la vue 3D, nous examinons la plausibilité de construction et de circuit imprimé. Créez les données de construction dans le menu "Fichier/Utilitaires: Import-Export de fichiers FAO".
    <td>[[Image: Schaltplan_Miniprojekt_e.jpg|200px|The symbols are imported.]]</td>
<td>Thats how our canvas at this time may look like.</td>
Si vous avez de questions - trois doublevé point target 3001 point com ----- MERCI.
    <td>[[Image: Schaltplan_Miniprojekt2_e.jpg|200px|Wire pins]]</td>
<td>[[Image:Schem_Router.jpg|left]]In order to wire the pins we switch from the schematic router, which is preset to the bending mode: "Lay two segments first horizontal". The spacebar toggles btween bending modes. "Snap on" boxes help hitting the connection correctly.[[Image: ZweiSemente_waagerecht.jpg|left]] The size of this little boxes depends on the grid which can be set using the icon "View". Connection is effected by mouseclick.</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Groundplane|Ground plane]]<br>[[Sidebar]]<br><br></td>
    <td>[[image:Massefuesschen_e.jpg|200px|Place a ground symbol]]</td>
    <td>[[Image: masse_sidebar.jpg|left]] A ground symbol can be dragged and dropped from the sidebar. After placement we wire it towards the existing signal so we get asked to give it a new name. GND by default - which we accept.</td>
    <td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Outline|PCB Outline]]<br><br></td>
    <td>[[image:Btl_immer_komplett_e.jpg|200px|Highlight a component completely or only a part of it]]</td>
<td>Sometimes you don't want to move the whole symbol but only a part of it, maybe the cmponent name. By default TARGET highlights the entire drawing. Open the context menu with the right mousekey and untick the entry "Always select entire component". Now every drawing element can be moved and edited separately.</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br><br></td>
    <td>[[image:platinenumriss_e.jpg|200px|PCB outline assistant]]</td>
<td>We turn now to the layout view.[[image:zurplatine.jpg|left]] We get asked to determine a board outline. For our little project 50 millimeters width and 30 millimeters height is OK.</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br><br></td>
    <td>[[Image:platziert_oben_e.jpg|200px|Placement on top of the board outline]]</td>
<td>Use the auto placer to bring the the packages into the layout. They are by default placed above the outline. Now drag and drop them to their desired position. Clicking the right mouse button allows to rotate them by 90° before placement.</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br><br></td>
    <td>[[Image:layout_miniprojekt_e.jpg|200px|Place a via and continue on the other side]]</td>
<td>In the "draw track" mode press functional key '''[F8]''' in order to switch on the cross hairs. Again we can toggle the bending modes using the space bar.[[Image:punkt.jpg|left]] During the placement of the tracks a via can be placed using the "full stop" key. It switches over to the opposite side of the board so that you can place signal tracks there. Pressing full stop again, another via is placed and you are back on the layer you started from. Double clicking any drawing element allows individual setting.</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Autoplacer]]<br><br></td>
    <td>[[Image:miniprojekt_3d_e.jpg|200px|3D view of the board]]</td>
<td>[[Image:3d_ikone.jpg|left]]In the 3D view, we examine the plausibility of the construction and by this means we get a good impression how our board will look like after it is finished. Create production data in menu "File/Input-Output Formats".</td>
<td bgcolor="white">More Information?<br><br>[[Package proposal]]<br>[[3D View]]<br>[[Gerber]]<br><br><br></td>


Version du 25 avril 2013 à 14:16

Dialog: Create new project double sided Start a new project "Double sided with schematic" and zoom into the schematic a bit with the mouse wheel.
Click the "Import component (Ins)..." icon in the toolbar.
Fichier:Einfg e.jpg
More Information?

Drawing frame
Single sided layout
The TARGET 3001! component browser at diode 1N4148 The component browser opens and allows to search for the name of the diode -say- 1N4148. Enter its name to the quick search. The device will be listed in green and displays its drawing elements. Using button Import component will get the symbol to the schematic. The land pattern of the device including its 3D image is recognised as package proposal for the layout use. You may deviate from this proposal later in order to use a different package. More Information?

Reference Symbol

Component symbol and its phantom (before placement) Import the symbol to the schematic and drop it by mouseclick as often as wanted. Release it from the cursor with [Escape] or press both mouse keys at the same time. More Information?

How do I find a certain component?
The parametric search

Connectors in the component browser when clicking the sidebar-symbol By clicking an icon in the sidebar, such as connectors,
the component database opens showing individually preassigned components. We choose a two-pin connector which immediately is fixed to the cursor tip. It can be dropped as often as wanted. Every single element of a symbol drawing (Outline, Text, connection pin) can individually be displaced, turned, edited. For doing so in the context menu (M2) the option "Always select entire component" must not be ticked. Otherwise you won't get a single element of a drawing marked.
More Information?

s for select
e for edit

Parametric Search
Clicking a resistor or capacitor symbol opens the parametric search, because we focus here on technical parameters rather than names. We'd like a resistance of "4.7kilo-ohms" so we enter 4k7. We select a package 0207 from the list and place the resistor to the circuit.
More Information?

Rotate a component by degrees

The symbols are imported. Thats how our canvas at this time may look like.

Wire pins
In order to wire the pins we switch from the schematic router, which is preset to the bending mode: "Lay two segments first horizontal". The spacebar toggles btween bending modes. "Snap on" boxes help hitting the connection correctly.
The size of this little boxes depends on the grid which can be set using the icon "View". Connection is effected by mouseclick.
More Information?

Ground plane

Place a ground symbol
A ground symbol can be dragged and dropped from the sidebar. After placement we wire it towards the existing signal so we get asked to give it a new name. GND by default - which we accept.
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PCB Outline

Highlight a component completely or only a part of it Sometimes you don't want to move the whole symbol but only a part of it, maybe the cmponent name. By default TARGET highlights the entire drawing. Open the context menu with the right mousekey and untick the entry "Always select entire component". Now every drawing element can be moved and edited separately. More Information?

PCB outline assistant We turn now to the layout view.
We get asked to determine a board outline. For our little project 50 millimeters width and 30 millimeters height is OK.
More Information?

Placement on top of the board outline Use the auto placer to bring the the packages into the layout. They are by default placed above the outline. Now drag and drop them to their desired position. Clicking the right mouse button allows to rotate them by 90° before placement. More Information?

Place a via and continue on the other side In the "draw track" mode press functional key [F8] in order to switch on the cross hairs. Again we can toggle the bending modes using the space bar.
During the placement of the tracks a via can be placed using the "full stop" key. It switches over to the opposite side of the board so that you can place signal tracks there. Pressing full stop again, another via is placed and you are back on the layer you started from. Double clicking any drawing element allows individual setting.
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3D view of the board
In the 3D view, we examine the plausibility of the construction and by this means we get a good impression how our board will look like after it is finished. Create production data in menu "File/Input-Output Formats".
More Information?

Package proposal
3D View
