
Edit the circuit

Rename signals:
INFO: TARGET 3001! automatically assigns default names (Sig$---) to signals. However, with a simulation only the signals with meaningful names are useful, because only the signal names will appear in the analysis (post processor)!
USER: Select the signal in the schematic (click on the wire).
USER: Press the key "U" (also with the menu edit) and enter a new meaningful name.

Edit component values:
INFO: Some model parameters must still be specified.
USER: Check/Change pointer mode with the pointer toolbar (menu View/Show Pointer Toolbar).
USER: The mode "A click of the element with M1 selects the complete symbol or package" should be activated.
INFO: Thus, a doubleclick close to a symbol opens the dialog "change symbols".
INFO: However, a doubleclick on an interactive element opens the corresponding dialog.

Edit capacitor values:
USER: Doubleclick the capacitor.
TARGET: Dialog "Change symbols" will appear.
USER: Click the button "Simulation values".
TARGET: Dialog "Models for ..." will appear.
USER: Click the button "Edit".
TARGET: Model dialog for the capacitor will appear.
INFO: The capacitor has two parameters: Capacitance and initial value (UIC option of the transient analysis!).
TARGET: The capacitance is already initialized with the expression {COMPONENTVALUE}. That means that the component value will be used automatically.
USER: Close the capacitor dialog and the subsequent models dialog.
USER: Enter the component value (here the capacitance) in the dialog "Change symbols". Numerical values in the format "4.7", "1u" or "5V" are allowed, but not "30 u", "15 V" etc. (no blanks)!
TARGET: The entered capacitance will be shown in the schematic.

Edit voltage source:
USER: Doubleclick the voltage source.
TARGET: Dialog "Change symbols" will appear.
USER: Click the button "Simulation values".
TARGET: Dialog "Models for ..." will appear.
USER: Click the button "Edit".
TARGET: Model dialog for the sinusoidal voltage source will appear.
USER: Enter the frequency in Hz.
USER: The amplitude must be specified in the component value (see above), since it is initialized with {COMPONENTVALUE}.