
Overview on component drawing

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Create a new component (best practise)

The drawing of custom components

Draw your own package and symbol in the Schematic view. Two general steps are needed:

FIRST: Start drawing the package(= land pattern of the soldering pads including outline of the device)!

In schematic view select menu item Create a new component in menu Components. From the colored bars use the "Pencil" (orange) in order to "Draw an own package". Say No to the sugggestion of using a template and ignore the suggestion to start with the magic wand. From the bar to the left select an adequate grid, metric or imperial (recommended: 0,635 mm = 25,00 mil = 1/40 inch). Click M2 to the blue soldering pad and set its properties. Now place the required number of pads by click. Draw the outline of the package using lines or the rectangle. Place each name [!N] and value [!V] to appropriate spots if you wish a lettering in the layout. Now use the lowest button to place a handle cross by click and save the package to the data base. Give it a meaningful package name. If the dialog to edit the package pops up you can either do it or just close the dialog. Your package is now saved.

SECOND: Draw the symbol (= showing the electrical function in the schematic)!

In schematic view select from menu Components item Create a new component. The last saved package shows up. Say: "Yes, use his package." Place as many pins as you have pads. Double click each pin to add its function (e.g. Power) and name (e.g. GND). Remark: A schematic symbol as a whole can be made of several sub-symbols e.g. gates. If you want to divide the pins you have to such sub-symbols, highlight the pins meant and add a separate handle cross to them. Doubleclick each handle cross then and decide how to insert each gate later to the schematic: "Automatically as NEXT" or "Extra as REST". The power pins should be prepared to be inserted "extra as Rest" all other gates normally follow aoutmatically as Next.

Now use the lowest button of the sidebar to the left in order to save the new component to the data base. Enter to the dialog popping up. If you again want to edit the symbol in case you have forgotten something, do so or just close the ultimate dialog. Done.

Adjustment of existing parts

For packages:

Edit components by the use of the symbol and package assistant

The package and symbol assistant is meant for packages and symbols having a higher number of pins/pads.

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