
Simulation pitfalls

Some simulation pitfalls are not detectable by the system.
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You should not be untroubled by these traps.

further details

It is quite simple:
My abscissae (x-coordinate) of the oscilloscope shall be the time => Transientanalysis
My abscissae (x-coordinate) of the oscilloscope shall be the frequency => AC-Analysis
My abscissae (x-coordinate) of the oscilloscope shall be a voltage => DC-Analysis

further details

further details

Further Details:


1) A reference symbol is only a drawing aid. It allows to design the schematic in a well arranged manner and to spread the circuit over multiple sheets.
2) What should +5V stand for? Is it a 1W (one watt) or a powerfull 100W source? Your circuit would work fine with an ideal source, but your real application could suffer power stability showing bizarre effects.

Types of simulation analysis

The selection of the appropriate analysis do not depend on the sources that your circuit contains. You will find further graphical explenation in the respective analysis dialogs.

Initial conditions

The simulator has to find a first bias point (solution) for time t=0. Some components are provable with an initial state: e.g. you can define that a capacitor is charged to 5V at time t=0. If you do not select "Use initial condition" then the simulator will calculate only one (initial)solution of many with any initial states of the capacitors etc.; viz. the steady state, that is after all capacitors in your real application are settled.